Welcome, OKBOOMER!

A Deflationary DeFi Token with a Purpose — The Future is Crypto

Olive Cash
3 min readSep 15, 2021

OLIVE holders on Binance Smart Chain — today we are super happy to offer a new Olive Garden Pool!

The Olive Garden OKBOOMER Pool:

Stake OLIVE tokens, to earn OKBOOMER tokens!

Total Tokens: 534,075,000,000 OKBOOMER

Distribution duration: 500,000 blocks, approx. 17 days

Start: September 17th ~14:00 UTC

Token rewards per block: 1,068,150 OKBOOMER

Token address: 0xE9db02A654b74ca04734B26ef3B2a79808d43404

New Farm:

In order to host the OKBOOMER Olive Garden Pool, we will need to provide a OKBOOMER-BNB farm that will have 1x OLIVE rewards for the first two days, then returns to 0.5x OLIVE rewards.



OKBOOMER is a community-driven token that operates on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), thus requiring almost no gas fees to trade, as well as allowing for quick and seamless transactions. OKBOOMER tokenomics rewards holders through reflection and punishes sellers through taxes, while developing and supporting initiatives to further the positive impact and utilization of the blockchain.

Cryptocurrency Advocacy And NFTs

OKBOOMER is dedicated to advancing mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies through education and advocacy. In addition, OKBOOMER will bridge the gap between the non-fungible token (NFT) haves and have-nots by partnering with those seeking to create NFTs and helping bring their digital creations to market.

Solving Social Challenges

The OKBOOMER community will shape crypto public policy by educating those in crypto denial, mostly Boomers, and maybe even poke a little fun at how out-of-touch they are by not being openminded to digital assets and blockchain technology. OKBOOMER’s community will also urge and help public officials to accept OKBOOMER Tokens as campaign donations. We all know money talks and OKBOOMER holders will be heard loud and clear! OKBOOMER will also strive to create and distribute educational materials and support grass-roots efforts raising crypto awareness, among other initiatives.


In addition to crypto education and advocacy, OKBOOMER will be a premiere non-fungible token (NFT) provider. NFTs are digital assets that can represent many different things — ranging from works of art like photos, audio and videos to everyday items such as documents, tickets and signatures. By using blockchain technology, NFTs are unique and trackable. They are an excellent vehicle for collectable items. For example, OKBOOMER is rapidly developing strategic partnerships with athletes across all major sports to create a new series of OKB NFTs. Additional exciting OKB NFT series are in development that will move OKBoomer closer to being a global NFT brand. The sale of OKB NFTs will generate real cash flow and the net proceeds will flow back into the token and benefit token holders, making $OKBOOMER one of the only tokens on the market that will generate real profits that benefit holders. In addition, OKBOOMER’s goals include the creation of an ecosystem through which OKBOOMER holders can purchase OKB NFTs with $OKBOOMER and the creation of OKB NFT series that are only available to OKBOOMER holders — providing unprecedented utility.

OKBOOMER Social Media

Website: https://okboomertoken.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/OKBoomerToken

Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/dNO5gArHNr1jYzg5

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/OKBoomerToken/

Medium: https://okboomertoken.medium.com/

How do you stake OLIVE to earn OKBOOMER rewards?

If you own OLIVE tokens, congratulations! You’re the master of Olive Garden. Time to become rich and start with learning how to stake OLIVE with Olive Garden Pool.

  • Visit this webpage: https://olive.cash/pools
  • Click “Approve OLIVE” on the OKBOOMER Olive Garden Pool.
  • Click on the stake button.
  • Confirm the transaction!



Olive Cash
Olive Cash

Written by Olive Cash

🫒AVAX and BSC yield farming 🫒Honest launch 🫒Open-sourced 🫒Timelock 🫒No pre-sale

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