🥚Welcome, EggChain

Dear OLIVE holders on Binance Smart Chain, today we are super happy to be able to offer a new Olive Garden Pool
The Olive Garden EggChain Pool:
Stake OLIVE tokens, to earn EGGC tokens!
Total Tokens: 68,000 EGGC
Distribution duration: 500,000 blocks, approx. 17 days
Start: July 14th 14:00 UTC
Token rewards per block: 0,136 EGGC
Token address: 0xa244ef3f07699b4b929c17e99ddb39bec238465b
Start block: 9151140
New Farm:
In order to host the EggChain Olive Garden Pool, we will need to provide a EGGC-BNB farms that will have 0.5x OLIVE rewards.

EGGC features
You can stack $EGGC to get more or give birth to primary Evochickens.
Combine your Evochickens to create new ones with more power
✳️Evolve them
Deposit your Evochickens in the 0x Evolutive Block and create the most powerful and unique version.
🥚$EGGC is the Native Token.
The distribution: total supply: $600M
1.- 5,000,000 $EGGC will be sold at the IFO. Un-sell Tokens will be burn it 🔥
2.- 495,000,000 $EGGC will be locked 🔒 in reward pools. Where you will deposit your most powerful Evochicken and you will get more $EGGC or different Evochickens.
3.- The remaining 100,000,000 $EGGC will be used to add pools in others DeFi projects, smaller amount toward airdrops 📦
🐓Total Evochickens: 30
💻Smart contracts: +70
Evochicken Bitcoin
the ultimate level on the version one and the first goal of our friends, the total supply is equivalent to 21,000,000 $BTCe, the same maximum amount of possible bitcoin in existence.
All supply will be locked in the last pool, where only the most powerful chickens can enter.
🌅An NFTs market
will be launched where you can spend you evochickens token. Getting its corresponding Autor’s NFT and burning the token for the purchase

🎰Chicken Casino is in developing.
Different games using yours fun chickens in the casino to earn more chickens, $EGGCs or others tokens:
-war of chickens game (demographics evochickens win wars)
-chicken races (bet on your fastest NFC chicken)
-chicken box (put your tokens to win different evochickens)
-and more games.
EggChain Social Media
Website: https://www.eggchainproject.com
Medium: https://medium.com/@eggchainproject.sol
Telegram: https://t.me/eggchainproject
Twitter: https://twitter.com/egg_chain
How do you stake OLIVE to earn EggChain rewards?
If you own OLIVE tokens, congratulations! You’re the master of Olive Garden. Time to become rich and start with learning how to stake OLIVE with Olive Garden Pool.
- Visit this webpage: https://olive.cash/pools
- Click “Approve OLIVE” on the EGGC Olive Garden Pool.
- Click on the stake button.
- Confirm the transaction!